
I Am Alive Challenge – Day 4

I just realized that my last 2 posts never posted. I have no idea what happened to them. I remember saving drafts while I was writing them. I remember previewing them and I remember publishing them. But nothing. A few minutes ago I lost the start of this post right after I saved the draft. They are nowhere to be found. You can bet I will copy this post before I get out of it. (I just tried saving and it never told me it was saved. Something weird is going on.) (Just tried saving again after previewing and it worked.) OK, onward.

Since my last two posts disappeared here are the links to my day 2, 3 and 4 videos for the IAmAliveChallenge because I know you have been in suspense waiting to see them and be able to comment on what I need to do to improve.

  1. IAmAliveChallenge Video – Day 2
  2. IAmAliveChallenge Video – Day 3
  3. IAmAliveChallenge Video – Day 4

Now I am back to where I wanted to start this post. I am really starting to have fun with the IAmAliveChallenge. I am sure what is making it fun for me is learning the video software, OBS. OBS is one of those open source programs which is out to prove they are just as good, if not better, than the most expensive commercially available equivalent. I am not sure what that is for a video program but OpenOffice and LibreOffice are two Microsoft Office competitors which are free and do all the same things. Was also using OpenShot Video Editor but at least for the time being don’t seem to need it.

Originally, I would shoot the video, use Canva to make a title and then use OpenShot to add the title, clip the start and end of the video to elminate dead air and create the video. It worked but I did not think the videos looked very professional. Check out some of my earlier videos to see what I mean.

Now I am strictly using OBS. With OBS, you make scenes that use different resources. You can mix media in a scene. For example, part of the screen can be showing you live, next of a video on the internet, both above scrolling text. I don’t know about you but I think that is pretty impressive. You create a scene for each combination of resources you need and switch between the scenes with the push of a key.

So far I have only scratched the surface of what OBS can do. I have added a sound track to and image I use for my title page. Of course, I have just a live shot, and I have the live shot combined with an image and scrolling text. I need to improve on my switching between scenes. The only disadvantage I have found with OBS is you need to be ready to speak when you start recording or streaming. Having a title page helps offset that problem. Plus, there is always OpenShot if I need to edit a video.

Until Tomorrow,
Bob Caine

P.S. Come join us in the IAmAliveChallenge. Get your free ebook telling you how here. The challenge uses blockchain technology so you get paid for all your content. Join Us it is FUN.

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